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The Bloc architecture is a relatively new architecture initially created for Flutter apps. However, it will likely see widespread adoption over the next 5 years in Android, as Jetpack Compose becomes more popular. Therefore, I’ll present 2 implementations of a bloc, one in Rx
, and once in Coroutines
This is an implementation of a bloc in kotlin, for RxJava/RxKotlin
abstract class Bloc<A, S : Bloc.BlocState> {
private val _out: PublishSubject<EitherResult<S, BlocError>> = PublishSubject.create()
val out: Observable<EitherResult<S, BlocError>> = _out.hide()
private val compositeDisposable = CompositeDisposable()
protected abstract fun processInner(action: A): Observable<S>
fun process(action: A) {
}, {
fun clear() {
interface BlocState
class BlocError(t: Throwable) : BlocState
There can be multiple blocs in a feature, but if they are there are they need to be routed through a collector, which will put all of their emitted states into a single stream. That looks like this:
fun collector(
vararg listOf: Bloc<*, *>,
scheduler: Scheduler = Schedulers.computation(),
onEvent: (t: EitherResult<*, Bloc.BlocError>) -> Unit,
) {
.merge( { it.out })
This is an implementation of a bloc in kotlin, for coroutines. Note that flowables are still experimental, so this should not be used in production code yet.
abstract class FlowBloc<A, S : BlocState>(
coroutineDispatcher: CoroutineDispatcher = Dispatchers.Default
) {
private val scope = CoroutineScope(coroutineDispatcher)
private val _in: Channel<A> = Channel()
private val _out: MutableSharedFlow<EitherResult<S, BlocError>> = MutableSharedFlow()
val out: Flow<EitherResult<S, BlocError>> = _out.asSharedFlow()
protected abstract suspend fun onEvent(event: A): S
init {
scope.launch {
for (i in _in) {
// todo catch the failure case with a try/catch
fun process(action: A) = scope.launch { _in.send(action) }
fun clear() = scope.cancel()
the coroutine bloc also requires a collector if there is more than one bloc per feature. The collector for flowables looks like this:
class FlowBlocCollector<A, S : Bloc.BlocState>(
private vararg val blocs: FlowBloc<A, S>,
private val scope: CoroutineScope = Scope.default(),
onState: suspend (EitherResult<S, Bloc.BlocError>) -> Unit
) {
init {
blocs.forEach { flow ->
scope.launch {
fun clear() {
blocs.forEach { it.clear() }